Wednesday 11 July 2012

How to get a six pack

1. Motivate Ourselves to Understand the Risk Linked with Belly Fat
First of all, if we want to reduce our belly fat, we need to understand the risks that associated with belly fat. In daily life, we could meet all kinds of health issues linked with belly fat, so if we can have a comprehensive understanding of these issues, it can help motivate us.
Belly fat is associated with diabetes, some kinds of cancer, cardiovascular disease. It’s the deepest layer of belly fat which poses health risks and we cannot see or grab. Since these “visceral” fat cells actually generate hormones and other substances that could affect our health, for instance, increased insulin resistance and/or breast cancer risk.
The fact that they are located right next to and in between organs in our abdominal cavity doesn’t help. A fatty liver could be caused as fat near the liver drains into it, and it is a risk factor for insulin resistance, setting the stage for Typediabetes.

2. Avoid Drinking Alcohol to Reduce Belly Fat
Secondly, have you ever noticed that some people who are slim all over but have a beer belly sticking out? Yeah, that is the effect of excess alcohol consumption. So the truth is that if we drink a lot, we will accumulate fat around our waist.
One thing we need to know is that alcohol does not contain any nutrients so the energy consumed by alcohol will be stored as belly fat.
So the suggestion is to drink less or limit ourselves to only one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.

3. Do Regular Exercise to Reduce Belly Fat
According to Christine Rosenbloom, a nutrition professor at Georgia State University, taking a calorie-controlled diet and 60 minutes of daily moderate exercise activity will make people lose weight and can even help with the desired weight maintenance.
There are several belly exercises were ranked by researchers at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University. The best six exercises are as follows:
-Cycling, best for targeting the six pack muscles and obliques. (Related Article: Cycling for Life and Fitness)
-The Captain’s Chair Leg Raise.  (Related Article: Captains Chair Hanging Leg Raises)
-Exercise Ball Crunch, to do this exercise, a exercise ball is needed. (Related Article: Ball Exercises)
-Vertical Leg Crunch (Easy Video: Vertical Leg Crunch)
-Long Arm Crunch (East Video: Long Arm Crunch)
-variations of squats( Related Article: Squats Exercise Resistance Band)

4. Eat a Sensible Diet.
Sensible diet means many things.
For example, firstly, that means we should get more fiber in our diet. Increase fiber to our diet gradually, since we need to give the natural bacterial in our body time to adapt to our new fiber intake. Eat more green split pea soup. Split peas is fiber ‘power food’. Just a cup of them has 16.3 grams of protein.
Secondly, we should eat the better fats like monounsaturated fats (from avocados, nuts, seeds, soybeans, and chocolate) can prevent the accumulation of different types of belly fat.
Thirdly, we should find out some healthy recipes to follow or things called fat fighters to eat. Some people think sweet potatoes are one of those fat fighters. That is because their high fibre and high and complex carbohydrate content helps regulate blood sugar levels and satisfy the appetite. They are also loaded with cancer fighting vitamin A.
Also, fruits like grapes, papaya, bananas, guavas and apples and so on are fat fighters. They have good taste, sweet and easy to ear. If we feel hungry between meals, they are our best choices instead of desserts such as cakes, cookies white bread, pasta, donuts.
Veggies can provide the crunchy sensation we miss when we do not eat snacks in high calorie. The high fiber, vitamins and minerals can meet our needs.
Lean proteins such as skinless chicken, fish, egg whites, are suitable for those people who feel more satisfied after a meal which includes some amounts of high protein foods.
Moreover, avoid taking sugar in our daily life, especially the artificial sugar. If we cannot resist the temptation of sugar, just reduce it.

5. Never Eat Late Night Snacks-Stop Comfort Eating
Most researchers believe that human’s metabolism rate slow down at night. Also, this is a fairly complex thing and we cannot be sure about it. But from people’s experience, if we eat too much at night, we will probably gain some weight.

6. Sleep Well
According to Natalie Smith, a technical writing professor specializing in medical writing, if we want to lose weight, we would be better to sleep well as our metabolism rate will be affected by our sleep. Too much or too little sleep will not be good for our metabolism which greatly influences our fat expenditure. Sleep less than 5 hours or more than 8 hours will slow down our rate of activity overall since they may affect the body’s interaction with insulin.

7. Turn off the Light before We Go to Bed
Some scientists researched on this topic and found that people sleep with lights on are more likely to gain some weight.

8. Avoid eating Junk Foods
As we known, junk foods contain high fat and high sugar, which can raise blood sugar rapidly, causing reduction in fat burning and increase in appetite.

9. Make a Serious Diet Plan
It is always good to have a plan otherwise it’s really hard to stick it. A workable plan gives us hope. If we want to do one thing, we can do it. This plan should at least include length, goal, and daily detailed plans. Don’t make it too hard to achieve, make it achievable.

10. Find a Determined Person to be our companion
To have a companionship in this plan, it would be fun and easier to stick to. It’s always better to have someone to supervise us when we really want to achieve some goals.

This links may be helpful to you

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