Sunday 29 July 2012


Saturday 28 July 2012


Saturday 21 July 2012

Philippines-Manila 2 Eating

I had a dinner near the Manila Beach.


Friday 20 July 2012

Philippines-Manila 1

Traveled to Manila Philippines, it was just like other city in the world. But it's more European style.

Also, give you some travelling tips:

1. Be careful about taxi driver. You better ask how much and how long will it take to get your destination. Check lonely planet. Read through the whole book.
2. In Manila, be careful about other cheatings. I was cheated by carriage owners. They changed their face very quickly.I was charged 20 times more than the price should be. I regretted that I didn't finish all the book( lonely planet).

Friday 13 July 2012

How to live longer!

In a detailed review by Dr. Stephen Bezruchka of the University of Washington and published in the nonprofit science journal Annual Reviews, the research apparently shows that poor diets and unhealthy lifestyles are the main cause of health problems in America.
In the Annual Reviews, the US ranks 34 out of 35 industrialized nations in life expectancy. Japanese have the longest life expectancy of 83 years old among these 35 nations. This figure shows that maybe Japanese live a healthier life than people live in other countries. Some people believe that is because what they eat is healthier than those western foods.
YouLin's Japanese Kitchen-Japanese cookbook
In this article, there are 22 tips for how to live a longer life.
1.       Do not sleep too much or too little.
According to a research in the Archives of General Psychiatry, USA, found that people who get only six to seven hours sleep a night live longer. People who sleep less than four hours, or more than eight hours, a night were shown to have a significantly higher death rate.
2.       Laugh every day
Laugh lowers levels of stress hormones and heightens the activity of the body’s natural defensive killer cells and antibodies, according to a research. 100-200 laughs are equivalent to ten minutes of jogging or rowing.
3.       Offer six hugs to others every day
A study has shown that giving six people hugs every day can boost happiness level 25% higher. Holding each hug for at least six seconds is more effective. It will boost your production of oxytocins, and reduce anxiety & strengthening connection with others.
4.       Have a close relationship with your mother
A study by the Harvard Medical School indicated that 91% of people who weren’t close to their mothers suffered from a serious disease – high blood pressure, alcoholism and cardiovascular diseases- by midlife. There are only 45% of the people who said they were close to their mothers developed these serious illnesses.

5.       Watch your patterns of consumption
-Drink plenty of water
-Avoid simple carbohydrates. They can cause your insulin levels to rise, which has been associated with increased incidence of breast cancer in menopausal women.
-Avoid overindulging. With anything you intake, moderation is key. Read nutrition labels and research to know what is good for your health. Keep in mind that alcohol and tobacco are among the worst drugs. Do not forget that caffeine is also a drug.
-Balance your Omega-3: Omega-6 ratio. A diet high in omega-6 fatty acids (fats) increases your chance of cardiovascular disease and cancer. So reduce your intake of omega-6 (corn and canola oil, and many nut oils) and increase your intake of omega-3 fats from fatty fish, especially salmon.
6.       Know your purpose
Know your values, passions and gifts is fairly important as people who know these things and share these things could live up to seven years longer than those who do not.
7.       Have a happy marriage or a happy relationship
A happy marriage will bring you more benefits than you think. (See related articles: The benefits of Marriage & how to maintain a wonderful marriage)
8.       Find God
According to a study in the International Journal for Psychiatry and Medicine, going to church regularly increases life expectancy. It’s especially good at helping people’s stress and emotional problems, and appears to protect diseases such as heart, respiratory or digestive problems.
9.       Stop watching TV and talk to family during eating
Eat with family, remove the TV from your dining room and talk with family. Sharing things with family will also help people’s stress and emotional problems and so it’s good for your health.
10.   Fast monthly or every two month
Scientific evidence has shown that regular fasting will benefit your digestive system and your whole body as fasting can clean your body.
11.   Educate yourself
Research shows that the more education you get, the longer you may live. That is because you have a bigger chance to take care of yourself by doing regular exercise, eating healthy foods and not smoking.
12.   Write a gratitude list
When you write a gratitude list, you will always think about what you have already had and feel grateful to good things in your life. You won’t think about what you don’t have. That makes you think you are happy and consequently you will live longer.
13.   Use your mind
The more you use your mind, the slower your aging process will be. Three simple ways to use your mind: first, you can pick up a good book that forces you think, second, do puzzles-daily crossword, Sudoko or something very complicated. Third, try to learn a 2nd language other than your mother language. People who exercise their mind a lot tend to be less prone to Alzheimer’s.  

Learn Japanese, slow down your ageing process or just for fun


14.   Reduce stress
Find out all the causes that make you stressed and try your best to solve those problems that you can solve so that you can lower your stress level.  ( Test my stress level)
15.   Watch your weight
According to the British Heart Foundation, coronary heart disease causes 270,000 heart attacks each year, and of these 28,000 are due to obesity. Keep your BMI (Body Mass Index) in a safe range; you can use this BMI calculator to see where you are and what you need to do to keep your BMI between18.50-24.99 (Healthy Weight Range).
16.   Consume antioxidants
-Eat Dark Chocolate, dark chocolate makes you happy since it will protect you against heart disease and cancer.
-Drink lots of tea, both black or green tea are good for you.
-Drink a glass of wine each day, but not too much
-Eat fruits and vegetables (broccoli, strawberries, citrus fruit, red pepper, tomatoes, kale, and melon)              
17.   Learn to Relax,have various hobbies
-Do medication
-Look at the bright side of things
-Deep breath
-Reading, fishing, gardening, photographing and so on
18.   Squatting to defecate may be considered
This may greatly reduce your chance of getting colorectal cancer which is potentially fatal or haemorrhoids which are mostly just unpleasant.
19.   Quit smoking
Smoke is bad for you, no matter how little you take in. Smoking is very harmful to your health and can usually cause premature death. It is also important to avoid second-hand somke.
20.   Wear Sunblock
The UVA and UVB rays hitting the Earth from the sun pose a threat to anyone and everyone who spends more than 15 minutes a day outdoor. However, sunlight helps your body synthesize Vitamin D, which is essential for your health (like your mood), so don’t stop going outside completely.
21.   Intake Vitamin C supplement
According to the research, you have to drink 25 glasses of orange juice to meet your body’s need of Vitamin C. It seems impossible to do that. So intake a Vitamin C tablet each day will help you look younger. Especially for women, , according to a British study of 4,025 women ages 40 to 74, women with higher intakes of vitamin C had fewer wrinkles and less dry skin.
22.   Learn to play an instrument.
Your brain cells work together. When you are learning new skills, your brain function will generally be improved. It doesn’t matter what your age is, start to learn something new. It will also slow down your ageing process.

Ayers Rock-Uluru (Australia)

Ayers Rock is also called Uluru.It is from aboriginal language.The aboriginal people manage this place together with white people. It is a very nice place to go.The huge rock in the desert is amazing. It looks so different at different time during a day. I was lucky to see the sunset and sunrise there. I traveled with another friend. We had some wonderful time. We even felt that it seemed we were living there and doing things together. There some woods around the rock. Looks awesome! Just got some pictures here. That is definitely one place I recommend to go if you travel around Australia. Just awesome! I saw the water hole that the aboriginal people used to get water from. If you got a chance to go to Australia, don't miss this one! It could be a romantic place,also!
My website:

I also got a few tips for you, if you want to travel to Ayers Rock.

1.Bring some warm clothes with you, if you want to go there in winter (now), I ve heard that people were frozen to death at winter night because of the huge temperature difference.

2.You can join a tour locally. I had a three-day tour. It cost me A$380 in 2010.I think the price is going up now. You may check all the details from Lonely Planet,my favorite travelling guide book.

3.If you are living in Sydney, just don't go to the physical bookstore to buy lonely planet (I don't know if it is the same in other city in Australia). I found people relabeled the price and make it even much higher than the printed price. That's unbelievable. I bought my several lonely planet guide books on They are much cheaper.I made a link upwards, if you want one, click the link to amazon.

4. Drink water as much as you can. It doesn't look like a desert, but it is very dry. The temperature is around 35 C during daytime over the year. So just drink a lot of water.

5.Keep an eye on toilet as you may drink too much water and find that sometimes it is impossible to find a real toilet.Whenever you see a toilet, use it if you can.

6.Don't take pictures of the aboriginal people without their permission.If you do so, you will probably offend them as they believe a snapshot will take their soul away. Just be careful about that!

Hope you enjoy the trip! Any questions, just leave a comment, I will try to answer it.

Wednesday 11 July 2012

How to get Happier

I like reading things about happiness as happiness is always one thing that we pursue in our whole life. Sometimes, I think what the meaning of life is. That’s big and complicated question that people rarely get the answer. Many philosophies spent their whole life to explore this secret but ended with nothing. But I guess one of the reasonable answer to this question is pursuing happiness.

I have read several books about how to make us happier. One of them is very helpful, called Happier, by Tal Ben-Shahar. He is a lecturer at Harvard University. He also has an open course that is available online, called positive psychology.  I finished his book and his video class; both are talking about the same thing: How to get happier

Yeahthat’s what I want to know. In his book and classes, there are a few things worth paying attention to.

Firstly, you need to learn what kind of person you really are. Four types of people are listed in this book, “ Rat Racer”, Hedonist”, “Nihilist” and the “really happy one”. It tells you many things that you probably didn’t realized until you read the book.  That’s interesting.
Secondly, our life has a lot to do with education, work, and relationships. If we can handle these, we can handle almost everything in our life. He taught me to maintain a good relationship and have a right attitude towards success. That’s really useful.

I like the ‘Happy booster’ part in this book. According to another book-Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, we are happy when we are in flow.

In terms of talking about the benefits of being in flow, these two books have the same view. When we are doing things that we really enjoy, then we are in flow. That means we feel good. It doesn’t matter what kind of things we are doing-it could be writing, reading, singing, cooking, cleaning or anything else. The most important thing is that you do like doing that thing. It will make us happier and productive in many aspects.

Another thing that I like is balance. The balance we should pursue in our whole life. How much time should we spend on learning , working, playing or maintaining our relationship? That’s the question. How do we weigh each of these? There is no right or wrong way to live. You need to choose some general rules to think about and finally make your own plan how to live.

The book also tells us life is good! We used to pursue things that we cannot get or we have already lost but often forget to cherish the things that we have now. That is a bad thinking habit. This habit will stop you from getting happier. So give this attitude up and try to live at present.

Live at present is a powerful phrase. Try to do meditation sometimes, try to forget past and future and feel present temporarily. That is a workable way to me.  It will help you to release a lot of pressure in your current life. Keep this attitude: if there is nothing we can do about it, then just accept it and try to do something else.

Here is a funny joke I have heard before. Hope it helps with whatever bothers you. Whoever made this joke is brilliant but we don’t know who this person is.

Why worry?
In this life there are only two things to worry about.
Either you will be rich or poor.

If you are rich, there is nothing to worry about.
But if you are poor, there are only two things to worry about.

Either you will be healthy or sick.
If you are healthy, there is nothing to worry about.

But if you are sick, there are two things to worry about.
Either you will live or you will die.

If you live, there is nothing to worry about.
If you die there are only two things to worry about.

You will either go to heaven or to hell.
If you go to heaven, there will be nothing to worry about.

If you go to hell, you'll be so darn busy shaking hands with all your friends,
 you won't have time to worry!


My Website: We live a healthy life!

How to get a six pack

1. Motivate Ourselves to Understand the Risk Linked with Belly Fat
First of all, if we want to reduce our belly fat, we need to understand the risks that associated with belly fat. In daily life, we could meet all kinds of health issues linked with belly fat, so if we can have a comprehensive understanding of these issues, it can help motivate us.
Belly fat is associated with diabetes, some kinds of cancer, cardiovascular disease. It’s the deepest layer of belly fat which poses health risks and we cannot see or grab. Since these “visceral” fat cells actually generate hormones and other substances that could affect our health, for instance, increased insulin resistance and/or breast cancer risk.
The fact that they are located right next to and in between organs in our abdominal cavity doesn’t help. A fatty liver could be caused as fat near the liver drains into it, and it is a risk factor for insulin resistance, setting the stage for Typediabetes.

2. Avoid Drinking Alcohol to Reduce Belly Fat
Secondly, have you ever noticed that some people who are slim all over but have a beer belly sticking out? Yeah, that is the effect of excess alcohol consumption. So the truth is that if we drink a lot, we will accumulate fat around our waist.
One thing we need to know is that alcohol does not contain any nutrients so the energy consumed by alcohol will be stored as belly fat.
So the suggestion is to drink less or limit ourselves to only one glass of wine or one bottle of beer.

3. Do Regular Exercise to Reduce Belly Fat
According to Christine Rosenbloom, a nutrition professor at Georgia State University, taking a calorie-controlled diet and 60 minutes of daily moderate exercise activity will make people lose weight and can even help with the desired weight maintenance.
There are several belly exercises were ranked by researchers at the Biomechanics Lab at San Diego State University. The best six exercises are as follows:
-Cycling, best for targeting the six pack muscles and obliques. (Related Article: Cycling for Life and Fitness)
-The Captain’s Chair Leg Raise.  (Related Article: Captains Chair Hanging Leg Raises)
-Exercise Ball Crunch, to do this exercise, a exercise ball is needed. (Related Article: Ball Exercises)
-Vertical Leg Crunch (Easy Video: Vertical Leg Crunch)
-Long Arm Crunch (East Video: Long Arm Crunch)
-variations of squats( Related Article: Squats Exercise Resistance Band)

4. Eat a Sensible Diet.
Sensible diet means many things.
For example, firstly, that means we should get more fiber in our diet. Increase fiber to our diet gradually, since we need to give the natural bacterial in our body time to adapt to our new fiber intake. Eat more green split pea soup. Split peas is fiber ‘power food’. Just a cup of them has 16.3 grams of protein.
Secondly, we should eat the better fats like monounsaturated fats (from avocados, nuts, seeds, soybeans, and chocolate) can prevent the accumulation of different types of belly fat.
Thirdly, we should find out some healthy recipes to follow or things called fat fighters to eat. Some people think sweet potatoes are one of those fat fighters. That is because their high fibre and high and complex carbohydrate content helps regulate blood sugar levels and satisfy the appetite. They are also loaded with cancer fighting vitamin A.
Also, fruits like grapes, papaya, bananas, guavas and apples and so on are fat fighters. They have good taste, sweet and easy to ear. If we feel hungry between meals, they are our best choices instead of desserts such as cakes, cookies white bread, pasta, donuts.
Veggies can provide the crunchy sensation we miss when we do not eat snacks in high calorie. The high fiber, vitamins and minerals can meet our needs.
Lean proteins such as skinless chicken, fish, egg whites, are suitable for those people who feel more satisfied after a meal which includes some amounts of high protein foods.
Moreover, avoid taking sugar in our daily life, especially the artificial sugar. If we cannot resist the temptation of sugar, just reduce it.

5. Never Eat Late Night Snacks-Stop Comfort Eating
Most researchers believe that human’s metabolism rate slow down at night. Also, this is a fairly complex thing and we cannot be sure about it. But from people’s experience, if we eat too much at night, we will probably gain some weight.

6. Sleep Well
According to Natalie Smith, a technical writing professor specializing in medical writing, if we want to lose weight, we would be better to sleep well as our metabolism rate will be affected by our sleep. Too much or too little sleep will not be good for our metabolism which greatly influences our fat expenditure. Sleep less than 5 hours or more than 8 hours will slow down our rate of activity overall since they may affect the body’s interaction with insulin.

7. Turn off the Light before We Go to Bed
Some scientists researched on this topic and found that people sleep with lights on are more likely to gain some weight.

8. Avoid eating Junk Foods
As we known, junk foods contain high fat and high sugar, which can raise blood sugar rapidly, causing reduction in fat burning and increase in appetite.

9. Make a Serious Diet Plan
It is always good to have a plan otherwise it’s really hard to stick it. A workable plan gives us hope. If we want to do one thing, we can do it. This plan should at least include length, goal, and daily detailed plans. Don’t make it too hard to achieve, make it achievable.

10. Find a Determined Person to be our companion
To have a companionship in this plan, it would be fun and easier to stick to. It’s always better to have someone to supervise us when we really want to achieve some goals.

This links may be helpful to you

Nice place you should go

Today, William and I went to Ku Ring Gai National Park, which is is very nice. I took some pictures of different places. Enjoy!!!!Tips: you need to get there by a car. I ve been to Syndey for more than three years, but I didn't know this place until today!

Want to see more,go to my web